The Backyard Humanitarian mission is to to help those in need, volunteer and add more kindness to our community making a difference right here, right now!
BACKYARD HUMANITARIAN One who practices kindness for all and takes action to volunteer & assist those in need in their local community. THE BH TEAM We are friends, families, teams, businesses, schools, clubs, individuals & groups volunteering our time, sharing ideas & taking action by working together to make a difference here and now.
You can join the Backyard Humanitarian Team!
Some of the ways that BACKYARD HUMANITARIANS do our heartwork:
We learn about needs of others in our community and assist through networking, resources & efforts.
We coordinate collection drives for items and give directly & immediately to those who need them.
We customize community volunteer service projects for companies, schools and groups.
We volunteer, support and coordinate events for local causes.
We partner with leaders, organizations & companies in projects to help the community.
We assist those experiencing difficult times with support, kindness, empathy, non-judgement & resources.