2010 - Founder: Angela Margaret Malizia & the Co-Founding Team: Sean Daly, Marci Garofalo, Robyn Bova, Diane Mallozzi, Debbie Franco, Tim Croke, Gina Kohr, Cherry Stephens, Jennifer Moon, Chris Berlingo, Mario Socci And many more early Backyard Humanitarian leaders, volunteers & continued supporters!
We have helped to bring more kindness and caring support to our towns by encouraging and supporting volunteering locally. Initial projects included a coat drive, food drive and soup kitchen volunteering in Stamford, CT. Soon, others started joining in, sharing their time, talents, ideas and resources, making a big difference for many in Stamford and other communities in Connecticut like Greenwich, Norwalk, Weston, Bridgeport, Milford, West Haven, Guilford as well as Breezy Point in Long Island, New York at s and North Carolina in the town of New Bern.
We started with a simple idea of how we can help more, by volunteering, learning about the needs and resources in the community & being kinder, more supportive. Then a small group got together with a first volunteer project, a second one, then another...and we kept going. We saw how much it meant to people and how much people really just wanted to help. Our team has grown to over 1,000 people! We have completed approximately 250+ volunteering projects and partnered with over 60 companies, businesses and teams. We have raised awareness for many causes. - Donated, cooked and served thousands of meals at the soup kitchen. - Coordinated food drives on behalf of the soup kitchen and food pantries. - Live music performances at the soup kitchen - Helped to custom fit and assist the Stamford Police Association to give thousands of bicycle helmets to kids. -Planted & harvested food at the local community farm and delivered to soup kitchens and the hospital cafeteria. - Planted & cleaned up beaches, playgrounds and backyards - Set up & volunteered for charity concerts, walks, zumbathons, motorcycle rides and more. - Climbed up steps, walked miles and gave out water to runners for the American Lung Association & Bennet Cancer Center. - Collected & given, warm blankets, coats and sundries to those in need. - Made & sent thank you cards to veterans. - Visited patients in the military hospital, provided coats & toiletries. - Placed thousands of flags on veterans graves. - Coordinated, collected & donated guitars on behalf of the VA for a music therapy program while raising awareness. - Hosted an Easter egg hunt for children at the homeless shelter. - Assisted at emergency shelters during hurricanes and delivered relief items to victims of hurricanes. - Collected and given gently used, warm winter coats anyone who needs one. This list is to name a few.. .Join us....share your ideas, talents, skills....
Founder - Angela Margaret Malizia
Backyard Humanitarian (BH) is an all-volunteer team & ever evolving effort founded by Angela Malizia in 2010, with the inspiration, support and action of family, friends, local organizations, businesses, colleagues, mentors & the co-founding BH management team.
" When we care, volunteer, do what is needed to help others ... it can be life changing... for those who need support and for those who give it. If we want our world to be a better place for all, we can start right here, right now... in our own backyard."