JAN - Coat Drive Giving, Food Drives, Soup Kitchen
FEB - Toiletries & Towel Drive. All month - Valentines for Veterans. Packages for deployed Troops. All month - Coat Drive gratitude. MARCH - Helmet Giveaway Planning w/SPA APRIL - Award & Appreciation. Bicycle Helmet Fitting Training & Helmet Giveaway with Stamford Police Assoc., Veterans Concert Planning, Food Pantry. MAY - Playground Cleanup, American Flag Planting, Concert for Veterans / Rock Out for the Red, White & Blue, Food Pantry JUN - Summer Food Drive, Soup Kitchen, Food Pantry |
JUL / AUG- Summer Food Drive, Toiletries for Veterans
Flag Collection, Food Pantry SEP - Beach/Playground Cleanups, Hurricane Preparedness, Food Pantry OCT - Games/Puzzles for Seniors. Veterans Thank You Cards, Food Pantry NOV - Coat Drive, Warm blankets, hats & gloves drive, Food Pantry DEC - Coat Drive, Toy Drive & Wrapping, Visiting Veterans, Food Pantry |