The calendar is full of special months, weeks, and days that raise awareness for a variety of important health issues and conditions. Times of the year when people, advocacy organizations, and support groups rally around a common cause. We have listed some below. This is not a complete list as new ones are added on a regular basis. If there is a special day, week or month for a cause that you know of not listed here, please let us know via email.
Cervical Health Awareness Month
National Birth Defects Prevention Month
National Glaucoma Awareness Month
National Stalking Awareness Month
Thyroid Awareness Month
National Winter Sports TBI Awareness Month
National Folic Acid Awareness Week (first full week of January)
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (last week of January)
National Hugging Day (January 21)
American Heart Month
AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month
National Children’s Dental Health Month
International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month
African Heritage & Health Week (first week of February)