by Angela Malizia ![]() Robyn has been with BH since the very beginning. She has been an inspiration to so many of us when it comes to BH work and what BH is. Robyn is part of the BH management team guiding the way for so many with her natural way of love & light. 1.WHAT WAS YOUR 1ST BH PROJECT? My first project was BH's first project, a coat drive (2010). 2. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT BEING A BACKYARD HUMANITARIAN? I am so proud to say I am a Backyard Humanitarian. I love being a part of an amazing group of people, all with the same goal which is to help where it is needed. It has changed my life. 3. CAN YOU SHARE A SPECIAL BH MOMENT OR EXPERIENCE? There are many, but I always go back to the day that Angela and I met with a former US Marine. Someone had contacted us about him for Backyard Humanitarian's assistance. He was new to the area, living in one room in a housing complex which was only 10x10 and before that, he was living on the street. We put out the 'BH Call' that we had a veteran in need of gloves, socks, gift cards for food, basic necessities. Of course we were inundated with people wanting to help. So we collected the items from our amazing community and met with him and the man who introduced us to him at a local diner. We were so excited to give him everything. We handed him the gift cards and he was so grateful! Then we gave him a couple of pairs of gloves, a hat and some socks. He thanked us for the items and then proceeded to hand back one of the pairs of gloves, the hat and some of the socks. Confused, we told him they were for him and his answer was, "Thank you, but I already have a warm hat and one pair of gloves is plenty, I don't need two. Please give these extra items to someone else who could use them." It took me is a man, a veteran, who fell on hard times and weeks before was living on the streets and he was content with what he had. It was a huge moment in my life. It really opened my eyes and made me realize having more of something isn't important, living a simpler life and appreciating what you already have is. He 'helped' me that day and he doesn't even know it. 4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? Boating, working out, dancing, spending time with family & friends. 5. WHAT IS SOMETHING SPECIAL TO YOU ABOUT STAMFORD? I was born and raised in Stamford. My mother was too and so were her parents. My father was raised in Stamford after coming over from Italy. It has always been my home and as big of a city as it may be, in many ways it is still the small town it once was. It's the best of all worlds. 6. IN A WORD, WHAT DOES BACKYARD HUMANITARIAN MEAN TO YOU? Angelical.
by Angela Malizia ![]() Meet Paula, she has been a force of compassion & motivation for BH projects since she joined BH. She brings a playfulness to her work and joy to the people around her. She has lead projects including collections for warm coats and toiletries with amazing success! 1. WHAT WAS YOUR 1ST BH PROJECT? 1st BH Coat Drive 2010 2. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT BEING A BACKYARD HUMANITARIAN? It feels good to do good! I always wanted to help people but didn't quite know how to begin. When I participated my 1st project, the BH Coat Drive, I realized that I was also in need. I was able to have an impact on someone's life and they in turn impacted mine. I became less materialistic. I felt more accomplished. I became an agent of change. After recruiting friends, co-workers, and people I had just met - I felt more proud. Not only have I reconnected with old friends, I have gained some new, life-long friends. I've also been able to have my family volunteer and instill these values into the children. 3. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? Cooking 4. IN A WORD, WHAT DOES BACKYARD HUMANITARIAN MEAN TO YOU? Progress |
Backyard Humanitarian
January 2017
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